Monday, 27 October 2014

Sharing Life

I love meeting with women and sharing life together! On Friday H and I were finally able to catch up and debrief the last few weeks of Mustard and how she was feeling about going into exams and the year ahead. We were able to celebrate some potential opportunities for next year. Most importantly we shared how the gospel is working in our life today.

This is something that I've recently been challenged on - to consider how God is working in my life and smoothing out my rough edges to be more in likeness to Christ. When I meet with women I'm challenged and encouraged by the responses to this discussion, so often what they struggle with is what I too struggle with. And together we can turn to Christ and echo Paul in Romans 7, "Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ!" I'm holding on to the hope of renewal and perfection that all believers will one day experience.

Friday, 17 October 2014

A Celebration

Today was H's last Mustard with us as she is now entering her final Year 12 exams. Instead of studying chp 1 of Ruth ('bitterness') we celebrated her contribution to Mustard and the school. I shared a few thoughts comparing secular 'graduation' wisdom and what God has to say to us. I have grown to know and love H and seen her mature in her faith and understanding of being a disciple of Jesus.

As she was the student leader, the face of Mustard in the school, this does leave the question of who will God provide to be the new student leader? Someone who loves God and loves to know Him, someone who can put time and effort into the people side of Mustard. I look forward to seeing who God chooses for this role.

(On a side note - I've been sick this week and I hate being weak and frail! It's hard to recuperate and allow myself to rest because I see everything I 'need' to or 'should' be doing. Please pray that I will be wise in my recuperation and know what things to let slide for a bit)

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Pray hardest...

A quote I saw today, "Pray hardest when it's hardest to pray."

I don't automatically pray. I prepare schedules and to-do lists (I may have already mentioned this). I read or sleep or garden. I don't go to the written Word of God when I'm tired and drained. It's curious how we can be refreshed from a conference or holiday or seeing someone make a huge leap in Godliness, but shortly after be worn down and restless again. Oh to be in constant rest with God!

God, give me the strength, focus and patience so that I can work well. Not to please my church or pastor, or to look like I have everything in control but so that I can be a good and faithful steward to the tasks that you have given me. It's all seeming a bit much at the moment, I feel like I'm in charge of too many things. I need you to fill me with you peace and remind me that it is your work and you are in charge. Please help me to serve and love you with all my mind, energy, skills and heart.