Monday, 4 August 2014

Seasonal Routine

Something I've noticed in 'doing' full time ministry is that sometimes you don't get to have your regular day off. August is a very busy season in the life of Melbourne Churches - there seems to be a conference every weekend. On top of these conferences I'm busy with training evenings for Mustard. This changes my routine a fair bit but it's simply just the season at the moment. It's a time to reflect on God's grace as He gives me the patience to be out and about more than usual.

My Mustard group has a diverse spread of ages but the younger girls (Gr 5-6) are becoming comfortable and open with thoughts and reflections on our passage. We're working through the Fruit of the Spirit this term, and last week we discussed the differences between joy and happiness. I love seeing these girls arrive, keen to settle into what God has to say about the topic of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post. I too often feel like there’s a never-ending to-do list of prep, readings, discipleship, prayer, encouragements etc. This has been a struggle but also a gift from God, particularly as it’s caused me to have to be fully dependent on Him, and to also be flexible. As much as I try to prevent irregularity, every week looks different. Such is life with a family, hey.

    I’ve found that setting up boundaries has helped make sure that I maintain important aspects amongst the business. For example, I aim to spend time with God before I check my phone messages in the morning.
