Monday, 1 September 2014

Leading on the Frontlines

Friday and Saturday I spent at the national Acts29 conference: Leading on the Frontlines. A fantastic, soul-and-mind refreshing conference filled with gospel teaching exhorting, correcting and challenging us.

Some reflections:

- To rest my soul I need to dwell on the majesty of God. I know that I don't think and feel God's awesomeness very much, I too easily get caught up in logistics, people management and to-do lists, I forget who I'm working for. Majesty is the fear and gladness of the heart. Be captivated by, dwell on and pursue God's majesty.

- Like a father takes his little daughter to work for the day, not because she's helpful or insightful but because he delights in her and she takes joy in being with her Daddy, so my Father invites me to play with His work, to dabble and potter and help in the little way I can. He delights in me working with Him and I too (should) delight in working by His side.

- In order to lead from the Word you must believe it is the breath of God. To lead effectively the Word of God has to be premier in our lives, acting as the lens through which we interpret the world, residing at the core of every decision. Can't lead by His Word if you're not walking by it, and if you don't know it. Be thirsty!

- Know Jesus and make him known. Create opportunities for unbelievers to hear the gospel, the sower finds the soil, not the other way around. Live with gospel consistency, good deeds point to the gospel.

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