Thursday, 26 March 2015

Prayer & Meditation

I have recently finished Tim Keller's book, "Prayer". In it I was deeply challenged by how shallow my prayers often are and how they lack frequency and earnestness too. But what I found most helpful was the wealth of guidance on how to meditate on God's Word and then use it to guide your prayer.

At the end of his book Keller offers some patterns and structures for praying daily. I gathered these patterns, principles and advice and compiled a daily prayer guide. Now, the point of this is not to be legalistic but disciplined! My prayer is that this will encourage you and support you as much as it did me.

Approaching God
Ask him for his presence and help as you read and pray. Consider who it is you are approaching.

Bible Reading Meditation
(Choose a few things to do, don't try and do everything!)

Read passage 3-4 times.
List what it says about God (Father, Son, Spirit). List what it says about yourself
List examples to be followed, commands to obey, things to avoid, promises to claim, sin to forsake

Choose the verse and truth that is most helpful. Paraphrase in your own words. Memorise.

Discern 1-2 truths.
How does this truth, or text, help me praise (or thank) God?
Show me a sin to confess and repent of?
What false attitudes, behaviour, emotions or idols come alive in me whenever I forget this truth?
What does the text show me about a need I have? How shall I petition God for it?

Am I living this truth?
What difference does it make?
Am I taking it seriously? How would my life change if this truth were fully alive and effective in my inward being? Why might God be showing me this now?
If I forget it how does it affect me and all my relationships?
Be concrete: is there something I should stop doing? Start doing?

Prayer (in light of meditation)
Truth about God’s nature (eg - ‘who no secrets are hid’)
Adoration (who God is)
Thanksgiving (what he’s done)
Confession (where I’ve fallen short)
Petition (daily needs, help, request, for others, eg ‘cleanse my thoughts’). Include reasons (eg - ‘that I may love thee’)
In Jesus’ name (reminds me that God hears me because of Jesus)

Take a final moment to enjoy God and his presence.
Let thoughts of God ‘go for a walk’

Paraphrase Lord’s Prayer, personalise.
Self-examination: have I been prickly, proud, short-tempered, cold, indifference, anxious, stressed, cowardly or untruthful Pray for challenges of the day and moment.

Ask him for his presence and help as you read and pray.
Read a Psalm
Turn the Psalm back into a prayer and pray it to God - verbatim, paraphrase, personalise, responsive

Confess where you sinned or failed to respond how you should have.
Pray for the people you met or heard about who have needs or are in difficulty.
Pray for some of the more urgent and important needs on your heart.

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